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Fabil Natural - Juara Kulit Sehat

Moringa 24K Gold Mask

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Moringa 24K Gold Mask

Rp 159,000

76 Terjual

Moringa 24K Gold Mask

A luxurious golden face mask that works to reduce signs of ageing whilst nourishing your skin, leaving it glowing! Gold particles, along with Salmon DNA, infuse into the deeper skin layers and boost collagen production to restore its elasticity. With hydrogel formula, it helps to reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles, leaving signs of fatigue are diminished; skin appears less lined and more luminous in the morning. Non-comedogenic and for all skin types.

Masker wajah emas mewah yang berfungsi mengurangi tanda-tanda penuaan sekaligus menutrisi kulit Anda, menjadikannya bersinar! Partikel emas, bersama dengan DNA Salmon, meresap ke lapisan kulit yang lebih dalam dan meningkatkan produksi kolagen untuk mengembalikan elastisitasnya. Dengan formula hidrogel membantu mengurangi tampilan garis-garis halus dan kerutan, sehingga tanda-tanda kelelahan berkurang; kulit tampak berkurang garisnya dan lebih bercahaya di pagi hari. Non-komedogenik dan untuk semua jenis kulit.

Why 24K Gold?
Gold has been used as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-aging ingredients for decades. It started from Cleopatra, the Queen of Ancient Egypt, to apply pure gold to her face in order to keep her skin look young and radiant. Experts also agree that gold possesses a variety of potent anti-aging (fine lines, wrinkles) effects and could enhance the brightness and shine of your skin.

All The Feels
Smells like: calming and relaxing
Feels like: gel and easy to spread
Makes skin feels: hydrated, fresh, and recharge!
Makes skin looks: hydrated and radiant    

1. Effectively removes dead skin cells, dust, dirt and excess sebum
2. Prevents the appearance of signs of premature aging, reduces fine lines, wrinkles and eye bags
3. Soothes inflamed skin
4. Treats and helps remove blackheads
5. Deeply hydrates the skin
6. Softens and moisturizes the skin
7. Gives a glowing effect after use
8. Nourishes and increases skin elasticity

Cara Pemakaian
Pemakaian seminggu 2-3x
1. Ambil secukupnya dengan spatula, balurkan ke seluruh area wajah
2. Diamkan hingga 15 menit
3. Bilas dengan air bersih, lalu dilanjut dengan penggunaan skincare

(make sure your hands are dry to apply the mask, do not add water into the jar as this may affect the consistency of your mask)


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